Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Impact of (items choose from the requirement) on the culture of an Essay

The Impact of (items choose from the requirement) on the culture of an organisation 2232 - Essay Example The current paper analyses the importance of power, politics, conflicts and negotiations and how they impact organizational culture and the employees. Power can be essentially described as the ability to make someone do something as per ones will. It is the ability to make things happen as one desires and as they direct others. Power can essentially be described as the influential mechanism one has over others. If an organization lets employees work as they wish without exercising power, they might escape from responsibilities and remain less serious about work. In order to make employees work, it becomes essential to exercise a certain degree of power. It is generally observed that power implemented legitimately is most beneficial. Frequent and over exercising of power may lead to employees feeling over dominated and pressurized (Lawrence, et al., 2005). This might negatively impact performance (Mumby, 2001). Power in an organization should always be directed towards enhancing organizational productivity. Mangers must ensure that while exercising power, they must not display rudeness, anger or ego. Power should be exhibited in a motivating and directive manner. Managers must ensure that power does not induce fear and resentment amongst employees. This would prevent them from sharing their problems and issues with the superiors. The power to direct and guide employees must be vested in the hands of able leaders who understand the needs of both the organization and the employees (Mumby, 2001). Threatening employees, with job loss or severe actions to make them to do their work is not an effective way to exercise power (Lawrence, et al., 2005). Organizational politics can be described as the act of giving more importance to one’s own interest without giving much consideration to the needs of others. Political influences are common in

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