Saturday, August 31, 2019

Big business affects television ethics Essay

Today, a child watches television twenty to thirty hours a week and an adult is close to this number. Television is one of the most patronized media. Almost every house in the world has a television. This kind of media instrument is an avenue for people to be connected to the outside. It also enables people to be acquainted with products in the market. â€Å"Television ethics are derived from early professional codes of broadcasting that began in the late 1920s and are grounded in problems and issues identified in early radio. For television these ethical systems came into their own and grew rapidly, in conjunction with the development of the new medium, during the 1960s. But they now no longer exist as they once did. † (NBC, 1929) With the dominance of television in people’s lives, most companies use this as a tool to advertise their own products. We can see different products in different television programs being endorsed. Products that are being endorsed ranges from children to adults’ needs. We can see commercials of milk for children, liquor for adults and more. Anything that can pay to a television network for advertisements are seen on television, almost everyday. Even big business such as the war in Iraq is hounding journalists of their ethical practice. â€Å"The war in Iraq provided particularly difficult ethical challenges. Embedded journalists were scrutinized for their ability to report with independence. And their news organizations were tested — and often criticized — for their degree of either patriotic support or rigorous scrutiny of our government. † (Steele, 2004) Television stations depend their airtime life to advertisements. It is through paid advertisements that a television station is most likely to get their income. Without paid advertisements, a television station will collapse because it is truly expensive to maintain a station to stay on air. A station has a lot of people to be paid for their services and has a lot of machineries to maintain. Big companies affect television ethics. The money a company is willing to give in order to advertise their product is one factor to contend with. It has been estimated that a 30-second national TV commercial average cost is nearly $350,000. This is a cost that a small business cannot afford. In some cases, big companies are willing to pay larger amounts than the $350,000 just for their product to be aired on a particular station. This was simpler in the past decades. â€Å"Business news became of general public significance beginning in ? the late 1960s and early 1970s. Such newly emergent issues as equal ? opportunity, consumerism, and environmentalism brought business to the front page but often in a way that made it appear to be a ? major obstacle to progress. Add to this the seemingly endless economic problems of the 1970s–skyrocketing oil prices, recession, ?unemployment, inflation–and business news coverage seemed to ? many business executives as hostile, indeed. Faced with such accusations from business, reporters, for the most part, responded that ? they were not hostile toward business but simply reporting events as they see it. † (Evans, 1987) With the overwhelming amount at stake, most television stations do not care about the product they will advertise. This scenario is not only seen in the relationship of companies and television stations but even in the relationship of websites, radios, and other media types to the business world. With the power of money, television stations become apathetic to the content of the product a company will advertise. Television stations become blinded of the fact that their viewers are not only adults but most are children. They don’t mind the outcome of an advertisement and they don’t mind how it will influence the people specially the children. As long as the pay is good, an advertisement will surely be seen on air. We see almost all themes of life if not all in television today. We can see love, family, church, and even violence. This only says that television stations do not really have a clear censor rule regarding what to air and how to air or they are just being insensitive to the ethical demands of the public because of the money at stake in advertising. Wherever we go, we cannot do away from the reality that money rules almost everything. Even in different fields of life such as politics and education, money is the determining factor. If a politician has a lot of money, he or she will probably win. If a person is wealthy, most probably, he or she will have a greater education program. Indeed, big business affects television ethics. Television stations lives and continue to live because of paid advertisements. Big businesses continue to pay large amount of money for their products to be advertised. Connecting the two realities, we can say that because big businesses pays big on advertisements and television stations live because of paid advertisements, television ethics is affected. Most television stations do not care about ethics anymore. All they care is for their station to profit and to stay on air.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ethics in Public Administration Essay

â€Å"The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust. The elective mode of obtaining rulers is the characteristic policy of republican government. The means relied on in this form of government for preventing their degeneracy are numerous and various. The most effectual one, is such a limitation of the term of appointments as will maintain a proper responsibility to the people.1† How does one maintain proper responsibility to the people? Public Administration is a major contributor to democratic life. Its success advances to the building and maintaining of public trust built in democracy2. One of the greatest obstacles a public administrator is faced with are political and personal responsibilities. Friedrich believes that political and personal responsibilities are acquired through reasoned communication based on scientific knowledge3, while Finer argues that strict obedience to political administration superiors are ones political and personal responsibilities4. Finer also questions if there is such thing as being overly educated, and if those that are highly educated being scared away from governmental positions, thus leaving sub par people to take those roles5. The thought is that if there were better personnel in government positions than there would be a better political system; therefore a more ethically inclined system. Eric Raile agrees with Friedrich’s approach of reasoned communication; being  educated on ethics through training, personal interactions, and perceived knowledge will influence perceptions of ethical climate6. An interesting discovery though was that work tenure actually lessened the perception. This thought process of education is considered to be public ethics. Public ethics is the belief that results are gained from experience from care-oriented tasks7. Experience compared with a person’s age to how long he/she has been in office. The government has two types of approaches to determine ethics through efficiency and performance versus legal and democratic values. These two approaches are the legalistic approach and the managerialistic approach. The legalistic approach is just that, based on law. It relies on law-based priorities and processes to balance discretionary innovation and accountability. The managerialistic approach relies on innovation and efficiency to balance discretionary innovation and accountability. Whistle-blowing is an area of ethics that is often the most intimidating. While an employee is supposed to be protected it is not often guaranteed. There is a huge risk for not only the employee who reports perceived unethical behavior, but also to the company involved. Since there is always a question of whether one should report unethical behavior it is also interesting to examine what makes a person choose whether or not to report those behaviors. One study revolved around auditors, but its conclusion shows how the findings can be applied to public administration: to determine the likelihood of a person to report unethical behavior one must examine that person’s professional commitment and the organizations commitment versus colleague commitment and moral intensity of the unethical behavior9. The findings in the study of the auditors showed that moral intensity relates to both; higher level of professional identity increases as the commitment to the organization provides mo tivation. Another study showed results for where an employee is likely to report these incidences to: executives of larger organizations showed a higher level of employees voicing concerns to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and external  whistle-blowing. Executives with union workers showed a higher level of employees voicing concerns to EEOC, the media, and external whistle-blowing. Executives in the manufacturing industry showed a higher level of employees voicing concerns to OSHA10. While the results are not one hundred percent, and further investigation needs to be done, this study showed that employees are more likely to voice concerns to outside parties, rather than internally. Bibliography: Barnett, Tim. (1992). â€Å"A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship between Selected Organizational Characteristics and External Whistleblowing by Employees.† Journal of Business Ethics. 11. Brady, F. Neil. (2003). â€Å"’Publics’ Administration and the Ethics of Particularity.† Public Administration Review. 63. Christensen, Robert K., Holly T. Goerdel, and Sean Nicholson-Crotty. (2011). â€Å"Management, Law, and the Pursuit of the Public Good in Public Administration.† Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 21. Finer, Herman. (1936) â€Å"Better Government Personnel.† Political Science Quarterly. 51. Finer, Herman (1941). â€Å"Administrative Responsibility in Democratic Government.† Public Administration Review 1. Fredericksen, Patricia J. and Daniel Levin. (2004). â€Å"Accountability and the Use of Volunteer Officers in Public Safety Organizations.† Public Performance and Management Review. 27. Gobert , James and Maurice Punch. (2000). â€Å"Whistleblowers, the Pulic Interest, and the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.† The Modern Law Review. 63. Goodsell, Charles T. (2006). â€Å"A New Vision for Public Administration.† Public Administration Review. 66. Grant, Ruth W. and Robert O. Keohane. (2005). â€Å"Accountability and Abuses of Power in World Politics.† The American Political Science Review. 99. Huang, Yi-Hui (2001). â€Å"Should a Public Relations Code of Ethics be Enforced?† Journal of Business Ethics. 31. Huddleston, Mark W. and Joseph C. Sands. (1995). â€Å"Enforcing Administrative Ethics.† Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 537. Jos, Philip H., Mark E. Tompkins, and Steven W. Hays. (1989). â€Å"In Praise of Difficult People: A Portrait of the Committed Whistleblower.† Public Administration Review. 49. Kettl, Donald F. (2009). â€Å"Administrative Accountability and the Rule of Law.† PS: P olitical Science and Politics. 42. Kim, Seok-Eun. (2005). â€Å"Balancing Competing Accountability Requirements: Challenges in Performance Improvement of the Nonprofit Human Services Agency.† Public Performance and Management Review. 29. Luo, Yadong. (2006). â€Å"Political Behavior, Social Responsibility, and Perceived Corruption: A Structuration Perspective.† Journal of International Business Studies. 37. Madison, James. (1788) â€Å"The Alleged Tendency of the New Plan to Elevate the Few at the Expense of the Many Considered in Connection with Representation.† New York Packet. The Federalist. McNamee, Michael John and Scott Fleming. (2007). â€Å"Ethics Audits and Corporate Governance: The Case of Public Sector Sports Organizations.† Journal of Business Ethics. 73. Plant, Jeremy F. (2011). â€Å"Carl J. Friedrich on Responsibility and Authority.† Public Administration Review. 71 Raile, Eric D. (2013). â€Å"Building Ethical Capital: Perceptions of Ethical Climate in the Public Sector.† Public Administration Review. 73. Rodgers, Robert and Nanette Rodg ers. (2000) â€Å"Defining the Boundaries of Public Administration: Undisciplined Mongrels versus Disciplined Purists.† Public Administration Review. 60. Sayre, Wallace S. (1948). â€Å"The Triumph of Techniques over Purpose.† Public Administration Review. 8. Shanahan, Kevin J. and Michael R. Hyman. (2003). â€Å"The Development of a Virtue Ethics Scale.† Journal of Business Ethics. 42. Smith, Robert W. (2003). â€Å" Enforcement or Ethical Capacity: Considering the Role of State Ethics Commissions at the Millennium.† Public Administration Review. 63. Smith, Rogers M. (2008).â€Å"Religious Rhetoric and the Ethics of Public Discourse: The Case of George W. Bush.† Political Theory. 36. Stensota, Helena Olofsdotter. (2010). â€Å"The Conditions of Care: Reframing the Debate about Public Sector Ethics.† Public Administration Review. 70. Taylor, Eileen Z. and Mary B. Curtis. (2010). â€Å"An Examination of the Layers of Workplace Influences in Ethical Judgments: Whistleblowing Likelihood and Perseverance in Public Accounting.† Journal of Business Ethics. 93. Thompson, Dennis F. (1985). â€Å"The Possibility of Administrative Ethics.† Public Administration Review. 45.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research he Effects of Social Media on Arab Revolutions especially in Paper

He Effects of Social Media on Arab Revolutions especially in Egypt, Syria and Yemen - Research Paper Example They employed various forms of communication and information networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, cell phone technology and much more for making the world know about the violence and autocracy in their respective countries. Egypt Revolution that forced President Hosni Mubarak to leave his presidency was a continued effort of the social media activists who worked on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Maps and many mediums of communication and information sharing were employed in bringing in a change in the Egypt. A digital guide for information sharing on Twitter and through mobile phones was prepared by ‘Global Voices’ and ‘Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights’, so that people can inform about arrests of activists. The social media worked as a connection linking Egypt with the entire Arab world involving them in change. Facebook was employed for multiple uses such as increasing knowledge about current unrest, broadening the level of information sharing to worldly level and management of activists and their actions. Twitter was used for giving information to the journalists and informed them about video footages’ location on internet. Overall, â€Å"the social media played a pivotal role in scaling connections between people, in achieving density, disseminating courage, awareness and sympathy, and in countering misinformation generated by the oppressive Egyptian regime in many countries around the world† (Frangonikolopoulos & Chapsos, 2012). The Egyptian government, under the leadership of Hosni Mubarak, sensed the efficacy of social media in enabling people towards handling a revolt against the government, due to which, they restricted internet usage. â€Å"With the internet crackdown, President Hosni Mubarak betrayed his own fear — that  Facebook,  Twitter, laptops and smartphones could empower his opponents, expose his weakness to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Impact of (items choose from the requirement) on the culture of an Essay

The Impact of (items choose from the requirement) on the culture of an organisation 2232 - Essay Example The current paper analyses the importance of power, politics, conflicts and negotiations and how they impact organizational culture and the employees. Power can be essentially described as the ability to make someone do something as per ones will. It is the ability to make things happen as one desires and as they direct others. Power can essentially be described as the influential mechanism one has over others. If an organization lets employees work as they wish without exercising power, they might escape from responsibilities and remain less serious about work. In order to make employees work, it becomes essential to exercise a certain degree of power. It is generally observed that power implemented legitimately is most beneficial. Frequent and over exercising of power may lead to employees feeling over dominated and pressurized (Lawrence, et al., 2005). This might negatively impact performance (Mumby, 2001). Power in an organization should always be directed towards enhancing organizational productivity. Mangers must ensure that while exercising power, they must not display rudeness, anger or ego. Power should be exhibited in a motivating and directive manner. Managers must ensure that power does not induce fear and resentment amongst employees. This would prevent them from sharing their problems and issues with the superiors. The power to direct and guide employees must be vested in the hands of able leaders who understand the needs of both the organization and the employees (Mumby, 2001). Threatening employees, with job loss or severe actions to make them to do their work is not an effective way to exercise power (Lawrence, et al., 2005). Organizational politics can be described as the act of giving more importance to one’s own interest without giving much consideration to the needs of others. Political influences are common in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business in the United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Development of a country is the outcome of the efforts of firms in order to generate new as well as improvised products, thereby, prefacing more efficacious productive procedures and implement the organizational and managerial transformations and design methods. A discourse of the different sources of development with bringing in to use the newest accessible quantitative statistics for the United Kingdom which make it clear that a firm's investment in the development activities is much extensive than their endeavors in the Research and Development or R & D on its own which has conventionally been centralized of much of the economic texts for quite a varied reasons (Bulli: 5). Mort noticed that the Central Government is the prime collector of statistics in the United Kingdom for the main economic and business growth (Mort, 2003: 123). In the United Kingdom, business is structured in a way that most of the activities occur within the private division with judgments and decisions being made in the market, for the reason that the private sector business are owned by individual proprietors as well as shareholders who look forward to make profits and attain objectives (Report, 2005). The businesses here possess a top down hierarchical anatomy with many sheaths within them and a descending flow of interaction. However, as per McTavish's views, although the privately owned businesses could be brought in to use as implements of the public policy, they were quite different from the other associated parts of the public sector with superior gradations of functional sovereignty (McTavish, 2005: 5). Regardless of the Research and Development delineating only a small number of firms' investment in development activities, nevertheless, it is still considered to be a significant pointer of UK's development performance. Moreover, the performance of UK seems to be in line with other developed economies for the reason that it efficaciously takes the industrial sector work into account. 2. Harmonizing Investments in Development According to Gee, for the companies to arrange accounts in accordance with the UK national norms stay subject to the requirement of the Companies Act which provides a true and genuine view which seeks conformity with the UK accounting standards (Gee, 2006: 13). The development performance activities in a firm are reliant on the ability to assemble knowledge, ideologies as well as market cognizance in to new and improvised goods and services which are associated with the personalized ingenuity, business know-how and innovation administration (Bulli: 7). An absolute analysis for the United Kingdom in comparison to other major economies of the world states that the UK has been lacking large firms, which prove to be the main-stream performers of the business in R & D

Monday, August 26, 2019

Compare and Contrast Applied Research to Traditional Research Essay

Compare and Contrast Applied Research to Traditional Research - Essay Example Respondents always ask traditional researchers questions like how the research improves the real life cases, the actual concerns addressed by the research and the effectiveness of research. In most cases, basic researcher must answer by explaining that their study is mainly concerned about advancing human knowledge and may not have direct application, (Brown, 2008). Differences Basic research aims at investigating crucial behavioral bases, without considering how such bases are seen in practical situations. In other words, researchers use traditional research specifically for the information gathering purpose and with the aim of building on previous knowledge, while applied research is aimed at a certain question resolution. This shows researcher how mind information is connected to other information – this does not occur in real life situation. Applied research seeks to deal with and answer real life concerns and modern world problems. Fundamentally, pure research can be cons idered traditional research based on earlier theory, for instance, topic of applied research are topics such as thoughts of eye witness, psychological conditions healthcare treatments, persuasion, behavioral interventions of autism children and making of decisions. A researcher who does brain studies to know about overall operation is conducting traditional research, whereas as researcher who is investigating Alzheimer disorder origin is engaged in pure research. Pure research strives to build on earlier traditional research and traditional research, on the other hand, could be defined as the basis of knowledge that offers researchers with initial information required to pursue certain research areas. In the above neurologist’s case, for instance, the researcher who engages in pure research on a condition of neurology will mainly apply an increasingly general study by neurologist investigating the brain, (Cardy, Puffer & Newman, 208). The distinction between the two researche s can blur, for instance, an investigator playing around with batteries and energy-conserving methods may unintentionally discover a revolutionary battery that could be used as an industrial product. Therefore, in such a case, a study done to create means of comprehending and conserving energy may act as an immediate practical world applications like solar energy storage collected by solar panels on a building. Traditional research explores and tests generalized theories, ideals and concerns from which the entire world originates from to animal communication means. Some researchers have suggested that traditional research should not be considered, since it does not always lead to human beings benefits, but various pure research programs can be difficult to handle and start without traditional research. Traditional research study ensures that pure researchers have no need of wheel reinvention any time they set on a new program as the basic operations are already done. Similarities Th e two research types are intertwined and work as complements to each other. Basic study provides solutions to basic concerns of how things work. Similarly, applied scientists and researchers apply traditional research knowledge to enhance existing products, procedures, and techniques, (Amon, Gersbach & Sorger, 2010). In the same way, traditional resea

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Systematic Approach to Learning and Development Essay

Systematic Approach to Learning and Development - Essay Example The significant role of systematic approaches could also be found in other fields of activities such as medical and engineering where they serve as the foundation for any kind of activities (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.51-52). From the perspective of learning and development, systematic approach supports these activities by enhancing their effectiveness and guides them in attaining desired learning objectives. The systematic approach towards the process of learning and development rationalizes its complex structure by dividing the entire process into several steps of learning and development. The systematic approach encourages the execution of the process of learning and development in a cyclic or iterative manner. Each of the phases present in the cyclic model represents a step in the learning process. In order to achieve the excellence, it becomes very essential for organizations to encourage their learning and development activities. The practice of continuous learning provides organizations with a competitive edge that ensures that they are ahead of their competitors. The systematic approach towards learning and development also supports organizations in developing their knowledge base on a regular basis. Emphasizing the training needs as per the need of the employee base is an important aspect of learning and development at the organizational level. The systematic approach to learning and development is classified into separate steps which begin with identification and evaluation of learning and development needs. During the primal stage of learning and development, identification of performance level is done which helps in identification of areas where learning and development activities are required. After the assessment of current performance level, subsequent steps of identification of learning needs are performed.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Concept of beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concept of beauty - Essay Example According to Winckelmann, Greek painting and sculpture was not too preferred or admired. However, the few who admired had great taste, leading to the endorsement of the works of Correggio in making the windows that covered the royal stables in Stockholm (Winckelmann, 3). There was an endorsement of some foreign artists who introduced foreign designs such as the Saxony. These foreigners had great tastes in their work and incorporated natural beauty, leading to the endorsement of their works that led to their firm establishment in Greek land (Winckelmann, 3). The strategy of gathering and display of great international artworks was used in the perpetuation of art, though it was brought down by the great works of Greek art masters that were imitated by many other artists in their artworks and sculpture (Winckelmann, 5). Winckelmann describes nature as the source of the purest art that was further advanced by many artists to increase tastes and preferences. He termed these types of artis ts as lucky, thereby asserting that good tastes in natural beauty originated from ancient Greek nature and history (Winckelmann, 5). ... This is portrayal of the perfect rules of art. Winckelmann emphasizes that there are clear negligence in any of the works by Greek artists, such as the addition of the dolphin to Medicean Venus combined with the playing children (Winckelmann, 7). Connoisseurs and imitators describe nature beauty as the most beautiful in the Greek masterpieces with some perfect additional forms of beauty (Winckelmann, 7). The ancient artworks are described as made by the mind lone, as per the teachings of an ancient interpreter of Plato. Winckelmann described the most beautiful being resembled of the Greek body as it resembled his/her sibling (Winckelmann, 7). The design of the Greek clothing was in accordance to the formative beauty of nature (Winckelmann, 9). According to Burke, artistic tastes and preferences depend on the reasoning levels in each individual (Burke, 19). He stated that there is diversity in reasoning, on the concept of beauty, though there are standards of reasoning and taste that are similar in all human creatures. On Burke’s argument to contrast beauty ideology to the concept of the sublime, he beauty as taking a hold on reason, passion or taste in order to maintain ordinary or natural correspondents of life (Burke, 19). This meant the definition of the beauty concept as dependent on the truth or falsehood in the terms of natural beauty. According to Burke, there is the settlement of certain maxims of right reasoning in the most ignorant humans, in the terms of beauty tastes and preferences. There must be improvement of the rude science of ignorance by the learned, through a system (Burke, 20). Difference in opinion is considered to have no important consequences due to the logic of taste,

Ethics and the War on Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics and the War on Terrorism - Research Paper Example I define the issue as applies to international and human rights perspectives, its origin, and point of view in favor and against employing of torture in the war against terror. Terrorism is not morally justifiable, neither is there a single methodology successful in addressing the issue of terror. Therefore, various investigative agencies apply combined techniques of gathering intelligence with respect to terror activities. However, ethical and moral arguments encompass the war against terror, as the techniques used to gather information from uncooperative suspects are illegal (Blakeley, 2011). The leading of these is the use of torture techniques in gathering intelligence. The question of the ethical perspective on the use of torture in addressing terror continues to elicit lively debates, with each side holding stern views on the topic. Torture entails the process of inflicting severe pain to someone with the purpose of forcing him or her to do or say something. It a practical approach used since immemorial time against prisoners of war, suspected insurgents and spies and political prisoners (McCoy, 2012). However, with respect to terrorism, the governments identified the form of violence called terrorism in the period between 1970s and 1980s. Thus, this is where the historical origin of the relations between torture terrorism also begins. Governments used the systemic torture in conflicts against rebels, insurgents, and resistance groups over hundreds of years in the past. However, the question remains whether these conflicts constitute the war against terrorism. Governments often refer to their non-state violent opponents as terrorists. Nonetheless, the ascertaining of their involvement in terrorist activity, in various cases, remains a debatable subject. Since the 9/11 assault on America, the subject of the use of torture to gain useful information from

Friday, August 23, 2019

Professional engineer and micro - electronics Assignment

Professional engineer and micro - electronics - Assignment Example Some of these factors can be controlled by an automated control system designed for a greenhouse as they are some of the main physical factors affecting plant growth and development. Introduction The project aims at controlling the amount of sunlight falling on the leaves thereby controlling the rate of photosynthesis and respiration. The greenhouse system controls the temperature so as not to exceed 500 C a value beyond which enzymes responsible for photosynthesis are denatured. The rate of photosynthesis depends on light intensity and increases with an increase in light intensity during the day. Light intensity can be controlled during the day the purpose of which is the development of the project. During the night it would be impossible to control light intensity if plants are grown outside the greenhouse while inside this is achieved by controlling the lamps. Keeping photosynthesis rates high at night will cause the plants to grow weak and it is advised to only control this rate during the day. Sometimes atmospheric temperatures drop below the optimum values thereby reducing the rates of plant respiration and photosynthesis. This means that the yield would be lower than if the plants are kept at optimum environmental conditions. During photosynthesis plants absorb carbon dioxide(CO2) and water(H2O) from the atmosphere and use light energy to produce glucose stored as glycogen and oxygen is produced as a by product. This occurs mainly at night. The processes above depend on enzymes for catalysis and the enzymes require certain temperature conditions in order to operate. At high temperatures(around 450 C and above) these enzymes will be destroyed. Such is the need to control the temperatures within the greenhouse. From the foregoing discussion the importance of water and light are observed to be very critical to the process and therefore must be regulated. Most greenhouses employ expensive automation designs beyond the reach of most farmers especially those e ngaging in small scale farming. Also most of these greenhouses are built using complex features that might not suit people with limited technical know how on operating such systems beside increasing their cost. This design is comparatively cheap and is aimed at eliminating the aforementioned problems. Individuals wishing to engage in small scale farming such as gardening in their back yards can use this system with great efficiency and maximum yield rate. Furthermore, problems such as forgetting to water the plants need not to worry a person employing this system as this is automatically controlled. This system can be utilized in small areas as well as in larger areas where mass agricultural activities are required. The system is power efficient as a microchip consumes very little power and therefore the cost of electricity is not very high (Nof 2009). The discussion below entails the description of the system (literature review), connection of the system blocks(interfacing), specif ications of the hardware used, an assembly language program flow chart, the practical aspects and potential implementation issues in the design and a brief discussion and summary. Literature review The prototype uses a PIC16F88 micro-controller as the the main processing unit. Its inputs are generated from LM35 temperature sensor, Light Dependent Resistor and soil moisture sensor using a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pricing Channels Essay Example for Free

Pricing Channels Essay Students come from a variety of backgrounds with a large and diverse base of knowledge and experience. Therefore, the primary role of the professor will be to acilitate discussions that bring out pertinent issues and to better frame the analyses of these issues. Required materials Case Packet: The case packet is available through www. study. net. Instructions to get materials from study. net are included in the last page of this syllabus, before the course schedule. Pricing Simulation Universal Rental Car Harvard Business School: Sign up instructions will be provided to you in early October. It will cost $12. 50. There will be a practice round available from Nov. 4-9. The official round will run from Nov. Other Readings: A number of readings for this class are available in full text (usually PDF) from Business Source Complete. For these articles, go to http:// www. lib. utexas. edu/, then to Research Tools* Databases Indexes to Articles †+ Databases by Subject* Business* Business Source Complete, and search on the title of the article (unless otherwise directed in the schedule). It works best if you put the title of the article in quotes. If you get a yellow box that says Find it at UT, click on the box and follow the links that have full text. Other Materials: Other materials, such as study questions for case studies, grading sheets, and lecture slides are available on Blackboard. Paperless Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted electronically rather than in hard copy and no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Please send them directly to Dr. Mackie through Outlook as e-mail attachments using the following file name convention on the attachments themselves: File Name Convention [Class time]_[Your Last Name and First Initial_[Assignment name] Example: 930_SmithJ_Problem Set Example: 930_SmithJ_Brief_Case name Example: 930_TeamName_RtM Assignment Grading Blind Grading: MBA-student teaching assistants do the first round of grading on many assignments. Therefore all papers in this course are blind graded. Therefore: (a) Please do not submit assignments directly to the TA; and (b) Place your name *only* in the file name of the attachment.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Pain Perception And Processing In Alzheimers Disease

Pain Perception And Processing In Alzheimers Disease Alzheimers patients feel pain as powerfully as others. Pain perception and processing are not diminished in Alzheimers disease, thereby raising concerns about the current inadequate treatment of pain in this highly dependent and vulnerable patient group. Pain activity in the brain was just as strong in the Alzheimers patients as in the healthy volunteers. In fact, pain activity lasted longer in the Alzheimers patients. Pain may be even more bewildering to more severely affected patients. The experience of pain may be more distressing for these patients on account of their impaired ability to accurately appraise the unpleasant sensation and its future implications. Doctors can use a tool called the Pain and Discomfort Scale or PADS. Its a system for evaluating pain based on facial expressions and body movements. People caring for someone with Alzheimers disease or other dementias can do an even better job than doctors can. Caregivers have an incredible capacity even beyond doctors to know the behavior of the person they are caring for and to look for the times they are in discomfort or pain. The trick is to watch the facial expressions and movements of patients when they are not in pain, both during sleep and waking hours. Using this as a baseline, you should be attentive to circumstances where they seem agitated, where eye contact is altered, where there is grimacing or a facial expression indicative of discomfort. As Alzheimers disease progresses towards the later stages, the ability of the affected person to communicate becomes increasingly compromised. Caregivers can no longer ask are you comfortable? or, are you in pain? and get a reliable answer. A caregiver has to interpret what behavior means. Are shouts, screams, severe withdrawal, aggression, due to confusion, something else, or are they signs of pain?   The way in which a normal person experience pain differs. Pain is a subjective experience. People who have problems communicating are disadvantaged. Research into the prevalence of pain in elders in nursing homes is estimated at between 40 and 80 percent. There is evidence that people with cognitive disabilities may have an even higher risk of being under-medicated for pain. Painful conditions such as arthritis, cancer, urine infections are sometimes not treated with painkilling medications. Even when people can communicate effectively research suggests that observers tend to assume that people over-report pain either verbally or in their facial expressions.   Effective pain management for people with dementia is a complex issue. Families and health professionals caring for people with dementia have to acquire new skills and it can be a rather hit and miss situation. The first step in pain management is assessment of the discomfort. Acute pain syndromes commonly follow injuries, surgical procedures, etc. and require standard analgesic or narcotic management. Acute pain syndromes are expected to last for brief periods of time, i.e., less than six months. Pain that persists for over six months is termed chronic pain. Chronic non-malignant pain requires a more complex strategy to minimize the use of narcotics and maximize non- pharmacological interventions. Acute pain rarely produces other long-term psychological problems, such as depression, although acute discomfort will produce distress manifested by acute anxiety or agitation in the demented patient. Mildly demented patients can become agitated or anxious with pain because they rapidly forget explanations or reassurances provided by staff. Amnestic individuals may forget to ask for PRN non-narcotic analgesics such as acetaminophen and these patients need regularly scheduled medications. Disoriented patients do not realize they are in a health care facility and aphasic patients may not comprehend the staffs inquiry about pain symptoms. The symptoms of pain expressed by patients with moderate to severe dementia include anxiety, agitation, screaming, hostility, wandering, aggression, failure to eat, and failure to get out of bed. A small number of demented individuals with serious injury may not complain of pain, e.g., hip fractures, ruptured appendix, etc. Assessment of pain in the demented patient requires verbal questioning and direct observation to assess for behaviors that suggest pain. Standardized pain assessment scales should be used for all patients; however, these clinical instruments may not be valid in persons with dementia or psychosis. The past medical history may be valuable in assessing the demented resident. Individuals with chronic pain prior to the onset of dementia usually experience similar pain when demented, e.g., compression fractures, angina, neuropathy, etc. These individuals can be monitored carefully and non-narcotic pain medication can be prescribed as indicated, e.g., acetaminophen on a regular basis, anticonvulsants for neuropathy. The management of pain in any person requires careful consideration about the contribution of each component of the pain circuit to the painful stimulus. Neuropathic pain is produced by dysfunction of the nerve or sensory organ that perceives and transmits noxious stimulus to the level of the spinal cord. Persons with serious back disease may have herniated discs that compress specific nerve roots. This pain is often positional and produces spasms of the musculature in the back. The brain interprets pain in a highly organized systematic pattern. Discrete brain regions interpret and translate painful stimuli from specific body regions, e.g., arm, leg, etc., misfire in that discrete brain region will misinform the person that pain or discomfort is being experienced in that limb or part of the trunk. A person who loses a limb from trauma or amputation may continue to experience painful sensations in the distributions for that limb termed phantom limb pain. Management of chronic pain involves three elements (1) physical interventions, (2) psychological interventions, (3) pharmacological interventions. Physical interventions include basic physiotherapy that incorporates warm or cool compresses, massage, repositioning, electrical stimulation and many other treatments. Dementia patients need constant reminders to comply with physical treatments e.g., using compresses, sustaining proper positioning, etc., and many do not cooperate with some interventions, like nerve stimulators or acupuncture. Physical interventions are particularly helpful in older persons with musculoskeletal pain regardless of cognitive status. Psychological interventions usually require intact cognitive function e.g., relaxation therapy, self-hypnosis, etc. Demented patients generally lack the capacity to utilize psychological interventions; however, management teams should provide emotional support to validate the patients suffering associated with pain. Demented patients may experience more suffering from pain than intellectually intact individuals because they lack the capacity to understand the cause of their discomfort. Fear, anxiety, and depression frequently intensify pain. Pharmacological management begins with the least toxic medications and follows a slow progressive titration until pain symptoms are controlled. Clinicians must distinguish between analgesia and euphoria. Some medications that appear to have an analgesic or pain relieving effect actually have an euphoric effect, which diminishes the patients concern about perceived pain. The goal of pain management is to remove the suffering associated with the painful stimulus rather than making the patient euphoric or high to the point where they no longer care whether they experience pain. Euphoria-producing medications can cause confusion, irritability, and behavioral liability in patients with dementia. Narcotic addiction is not a common concern in dementia patients as these individuals have a limited life expectancy and rarely demonstrate drug-seeking behaviors. Pharmacological interventions always begin with the least toxic, i.e., least confusing, medications. A regular dose of acetaminophen up to 4 grams per day will substantially diminish most pain and improve quality of life. Clinical studies show that regular Tylenol reduced agitation in over half the treated patients. Chronic arthritic pain with inflammation of the joints may also respond to non- steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) or Cox-2 inhibitors. The gastrointestinal toxicity associated with NSAIDS is greater than that of Cox 2 inhibitor medications. Patients who fail to respond to non-narcotic analgesics should receive narcotic-like medications, i.e., Tramadol. Patients who fail to respond to maximum doses of Tramadol, i.e., 300 mgs per day, may require narcotic medications.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marketing strategy for a LAN gaming centre

Marketing strategy for a LAN gaming centre Our business which is called Pro-Gamers, is a LAN gaming centre and an entertainment area for people whom are interested in playing computer and console games. It will be useful to explain what LAN gaming is. LAN means Local Area Network that enables more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time,(Wikipedia) In other words, it is simply a network of devices and computers in a given area. In the light of the information about the meaning of LAN, LAN game centre is a business where a person can use a computer connected over a lan to other computers in order to play multiplayer computer games. ( LAN game centres are becoming common and well known in the world wide. There are over 650 LAN game centres in the US and 90% of the LAN game centres in the world are in China (Wikipedia). We are living in a computer era now and computer games are becoming more and more popular in the world especially for the new generation. Therefore, this creates us a good opportunity to setup this kind of business in this North West region of United Kingdom as further market research shows the laciness in this kind of gaming centres and identifying such market gap we are going to establish this kind of gaming centre in the Liverpool region. 1.1 Location and focused customer groups: We are planning to launch our business model in the areas which are close to the four universities in Liverpool because LAN game centre is more related to young people. So our focus customer group is students especially international students. Students have large groups in general and they tend to play such games together in the same environment. However, it cant be easy for international students to find chance in order to play computer games, especially LAN games. Local students have their own game consoles and convenient computers in their houses that enable them to play such games comfortably. Because of this reason, we are focusing on international students and it is a well known fact that there are many Chinese students in Liverpool, considering the majority of LAN game centres are in China, we have a significant opportunity. 1.2 Collaborations: In terms of our collaborations, we are planning to work with the organisation of Interactive Gaming UK which is professional in LAN gaming in UK. The IGUK provides professional support to new LAN gaming centres. So, we gain another significant opportunity to make a successful start up process. 1.3 Business: 1.3.1 Structure: Our business models structure is divided into two parts. First one is about the products and services, and the second is about the platforms. With regard to the products and services, we are providing project rooms to our customers with wide screens for watching sports games such as football for British and cricket games for Indians. We have a small food court as well in order to have some drinks, snacks, sandwiches while customers are playing games. In terms of our platforms, 1.3.2 Equipments: We arrange high end Pcs, X-box 360 and play station 3 (PS3) with LCD TVs so our customers can play separately or together with their friends. 1.3.3 Products: On the other hand, we also provide special memberships separated by their willingness of playing platforms such as Pro-Gamers PC for computers users, Pro-Gamers X for x-box users and Pro-Gamers PS for play station users. It is an opportunity for the customers to pay less and the same for us as well because we make discounts for membership cards holders. 1.4 Future purpose: As mentioned in the introduction part, our business model is a LAN game centre and the popularity of playing such games is getting bigger day by day in the world wide. The most important example about the popularity of LAN games is the World Cyber Games. It is an international e-sports event arranged by Korean Company World Cyber Game Inc. and backed by Samsung and Microsoft. ( It is the largest gaming festival celebrated once a year and more than one million visitors come every year to this LAN game event.( In world Cyber Game Championship, there are specific games which are quite common in the world such as counter strike and each country has its own teams to represent. The teams are playing against each other to win the World Cyber Game Championship. It can be deduced from the information above that this championship is the hugest and the most popular one in the world and the biggest companies are in support of this big event such as Samsung, Microsoft, Dell Alienware. Our future purpose is to create a LAN game team sponsor them and send them to represent UK in the World Cyber Game Championship by means of our business. Therefore, we will expand our business to the world wide and be a well known and famous game centre, and on later expansions of such teams we will be introducing our own teams from the countries in which where we will be operating our LAN-Game centre, in this way we are in an option to enter into the International market and make our feature in the game centres. 1.5 The uniqueness of our business model: It is the fact that uniqueness is one of the most significant features for a new small business in the start up process. It is the essential point that enables small businesses to run and make profit. If there are some important competitors in that business area, it will be so difficult for new businesses to grow. Considering our business model, we have this significant feature, we are unique in Liverpool. There are some LAN gamin centres in UK in different regions but in North West region which Liverpool is located, there is no LAN gaming centre. ( The locations of the LAN gaming centres in UK are shown region by region in the table below. Approaches to Start up Process: Every business start up is a unique event. Everyone has a different set of skills and experiences, which may give rise to entrepreneurship opportunities (David Deakins and Mark Freel), e.g. personal SWOT. Everyone wants their launched business to be stable, profitable, and manageable. This is only achieved by selecting the prior approach model which fits within the business idea. Therefore every business organization should have to consider all the aspects of setting-up a business. According to David Deakins and Mark Freel there are three types of approaches in setting-up a business, they are: I. Intuitive approach, II. Methodological approach and III. Incremental approach. According to the business start-up approaches given by David Deakins and Mark Freel, our business idea i.e., setting up a game centre (pro-gamers) in Liverpool resembles to both intuitive approach and incremental approach. Where intuitive approach has the upper hand than incremental approach. Intuitive approach: Carl Jung noted that intuitive approach does not denote something contrary to reason. But something outside the province of reason. It is neither a magical sixth sense nor a paranormal process. Intuition is not the opposite of rationality, nor is it a process of guessing. it is a sophisticated form of expert hones over years of job specific, experience (prietula Simon, 1989). Therefore intuitive business approach means just start up from nowhere, with strong personal belief in the idea and with minimal planning. Intuitive approach is an opportunistic and tends to be high risk because of minimal planning. Therefore as our business idea to launch a game centre in Liverpool, intuitive approach suited our business idea because of the following factors, Opportunistic. Strong personal belief in idea. Minimal planning. Can be viewed by some as the true entrepreneurial approach. Has the advantage of speed. Tends to be high risk. The above are some of the factors of intuitive approach (entrepreneurship and small firms 5th edition by David Deakins and Margarent Fletcher). 2.1 STAGES IN THE START-UP PROCESS: Everyone who are intended to launch their new business in the market should undergo a number of stages in the start-up process of a business. Without considering the stages, one cannot launch a profitable business. Similarly we have considered the stages in the start up process in our business idea, which gave us a clear idea on the opportunities and validating the idea of our business. Thus the following are the stages in the start-up process of a business. Formation of the idea. Opportunity recognition. Validating the idea. Entry in to entrepreneurship. Launch and development of the ongoing business. Formation of the idea: The seed stage of your business life cycle is when your business is just a thought or an idea. This is the very conception or birth of a new business. This is the stage where idea is formulated. Opportunity recognition: Most seed stage companies will have to overcome the challenge of market acceptance and pursue one niche opportunity. The seed stage business should recognise the opportunities for their business to move to the next stage. In our business idea we had recognised a great opportunity, because there is no game centre located in the north-west of the United Kingdom which provides lan gaming, play station gaming etc. Validating the idea: Validating the idea is an important stage where one should validate his/her idea, and ensure that it really solid enough for ones personal investment of time and money. Therefore validation means collecting the prior information to validate the business plan. In our case we gathered the information and validated the business idea. Launch and development of ongoing business: Launch and development of an ongoing business is the last stage of the stages in the start-up process of a business (David Deakins and Mark Freel, 2009). It is the stage where the business idea is finally launched. To launch and develop the game centre in Liverpool we have to consider some of the factors like, business idea is : Depending on budget Organizing events for the awareness among the people Expansion : infrastructure Food court Cafà © and bar Projector rooms 2.2 Start-up options of a business: To launch every business plan into business activity there are four options to start up a business. According to David Deakins and Mark Freel they described start-up options of a business into the following categories. They are. Starting from scratch. Buying a going concern. Buying a franchise. Management buy-out/ Management buy-in. Therefore according to David Deakins and Mark Freel the best start-up option of a business, which fits in our business idea, is starting from scratch. Starting from scratch: Starting a business from scratch can be the most rewarding method of business start-up. Unlike Franchising, Referral Marketing and Buying a business- you are 100% on your own. Before you dive in at the deep end, there are plenty of things you can do to increase your chance of success. There is a better opportunity to know the market and competition, creating a realistic business plan etc. Our business idea fits starting from scratch start up option,because as there is no such game centres in the north-west region of UK which provides different ranges of fun facilities. Therefore it will be 100% of our own implementation. Therefore starting from scratch got both advantages and dis-advantages. Thus the following are some of them Advantages: Initial investment level is decided by yourself or your ability to attract investment. Many organisations offer support / subsidies / funding. You will have the chance to explore new business concepts / formulae. No restrictions on your business methods. Control expansion to suit. Ability to adapt quickly to changing economic circumstances. Great sense of achievement and ability to say I told you so. Potential to sell, franchise or float on stock market once business has established. Disadvantages: Most business start-ups fail in their first year. Takes time to build up the business. No goodwill from customers and suppliers. Ability for your friends to say I told you so. Potentially high risk than all the other options. 2.3 Market research and marketing: Market research: In todays world as the gaming industry is booming to an extent, many of the gaming companies are competing between each other to become the best. Therefore many of the game centres in UK are trying to make good business with this opportunity. As there are many lan gaming centres spread in UK, north west of UK doesnt got any. Therefore according to the IGUK (Interactive game United Kingdom) list of lan gaming centres, north-west of UK is a game centre free zone. Therefore our business idea is to fill up the market gap. Therefore we would like to launch a lan gaming centre in Liverpool to cover the market gap. Market targeting: According to our business idea, i.e. launching a Lan gaming centre in north-west of UK, Liverpool. We mainly focus on people between the age group of 12-20 (youth) because people of that age group are more attracted to play computer games. So we have mainly concentrated on the people between that age group. Our main target is to attract the students of different universities, schools etc. We mainly focus on international students because numbers of international students are un-able to play the games which they would play in their home countries. The main dis advantage or limitation of this business idea is the age group of the people, because people of above 25 years will not have interest to play computer games. As our business idea has the age limitation criteria, we cannot attract the whole market. Therefore we need to capture the young generation market to achieve the goals. When it comes to market targeting there are many issues which we have to consider. They are, How to target the market? Whom to target? Can the targeted market is enough to achieve the profits? Marketing and marketing strategies: As one of the famous scholar described in his words the meaning of marketing that Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and what through creating and exchanging products and values with others, (PHILIP KOTLER). Every business has to market its products and its services to the consumers according to consumer needs and wants. Every business has to market its products and services or people will be unaware of that particular brand. Every company follows their own marketing strategies to attract customers. Without implementing marketing strategies one cannot attract the customers. In our business proposal as the main target is on young generation, we are mainly focusing on the young minds. We are planning all kind of marketing strategies to attract them. Some of the marketing strategies are as follows. Distributing palm plates in all the universities, schools etc in Liverpool. Organising events to increase awareness among the people. Advertising through internet pop-ups Offering different membership categories. Organising inter college championships Advertising through social networks. 2.4 Organization and management team: Management structure: A Management structure consists of activities such as task allocation, co-ordination and supervision, which are directed towards the acheivement of organizational aims (pugh, D.S., ed. 1990). In other terms management structure is defined as it is the form of structure that determines the hierarchy and the reporting structure inn the organization. Explicit and implicit institutional rules and policies designed to provide a structure where various work roles and responsibilities are delegated, controlled and coordinated to acheive the organizational goals is known as management structure. Therefore every organization i.e. from small scale organization to large scale organization will have a management structure. Without an organizational structure one cannot run business effectively. According to pugh, D.S. he has described management structure in to 3 types. They are, Traditional structure (based on the functions between line and staff managements) Divisional structure (based on different divisions in an organization. i.e. product division, market division, and geographic division) Matrix structure (it is the mixture of both traditional and divisional structures.) Therefore according to our business proposal, as our business is on a small scale. The initial owners will be 4 partners. Every thing is carried on the basis of divisional management structure, by categorising on the product, market,and geograpgic structures. As our business idea throws a light on incremental stage also, there will be a chance of recruitments in the future. 2.5 Operations: There are certain feature milestones for our business, those are set for the development of the business by all means in the international market, the key reason that is forecasted in our business plan are on the primary purpose Milestones: every business has its milestones to achieve so as to work on the first step is to establish firmly in the local market and the next step is to enter into the national market and the third step is to enter into the international market by franchise way, Franchise is a kind of vertical marketing system with a contractual relationship between the franchisor and franchisee, (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006, Pg. 1082), and on later expansion there will be a cafà © and bar in addition for the lateral income to the business Project and events: Pro-Gamers will sponsor teams from the operative country and sponsoring them to WCG and on the other hand we will be organising tournaments in between the operative countries and also there will be tournaments from the universities in the operating countries, which has its key reasons to keep us active and also to gain profit from these kinds of activities. Resources and Locations: in our Pro-Gamers business the resources are in general will in collaboration of IGUK.Org and associates providing all the required equipments like (n Vidia, WD Raptor, Creative sounds, AMD, Keconnect Broadband, EXS systems), supports all game publishers by buying their games and to reject all forms of piracy,(IGUK.Org sponsors), followed by the locations in the initial stage it will be organised near the university or in permission of the university premises, and later in the slightest increment in organising it will be setup in the large stadiums, with this there will be standard cash flow which will be helping us in the development of our business. SMEs Internationalization: 3.1 Role of SMEs: Business is a profession that starts with purpose of making profits out of it, and theres a fact that should never be kept out of focus that is by all means to develop the business, its development, growth, expansion in the sense of local to international markets. It is always said that SMEs involvement in international markets is increasing (Hall and Donchels 1988, Lamb and Liesch 2002), yet SMEs are not fully represented in the international economy as large firms (Fujita 1988). Well SMEs are though in the international economy but their reliability and feasibility are questioned by the big players, but in the recent times there were many reports which says that SMEs will play a greater role in the rapidly changing economic environment (WIPO General Assembly, Twenty-six (12th Extraordinary) Session Geneva, 25/09/2000 3/10/2000), so we often come across the term SMEs so lets know what is a SME as it is defined as, The category of micro, small and medium-sized (SMEs) is made up of e nterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euro, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro. Extract of Article 2 of the Annex of recommendation 2003/361/EC (European Commission). The researches says that the SMEs are real player of the todays economy in comparing to the large businesses, but there are also some reports that says that they also fail as it is the span of business or lack in improvement to survive or cannot sustain the competition from the other business firms, A study by Equifax has revealed that the retail sector saw a 17.2 per cent rise in business failures last year, with many SMEs forced to close their doors, reports Creditman, Neil Munroe, the external affairs director at Equifax, confirmed that a number of the failures recorded would be small businesses, (SMEs business failure rate increases, Published On 8 January 2007). 3.2 SMEs Market Expansions: Well though business starts from some point, but there is a point that a business can develop itself to the international level by entering into the international market. Which is in the term called as Internationalization, well we are talking about internationalization lets know what is internationalization as there are many definitions that internationalization is defined but there is no exact definition to define it, as it can be defined in general term its an opportunity that is recognized by the firm to enter into the markets of different countries to expand their activities. This is what internationalization can be define or said in general. 3.3 Pro Gamers Internationalization: As it is defined the business of LAN (Local Area Network) gaming centre Pro-Gamers', which is our small business that we are going to start, as it is defined that at some stage it is in need to recognize an opportunity to enter into different market from, local to national and international in an order to expand our activities by all means considering all the ethical marketing issues in a specified market. As our gaming centre is basically a new kind of gaming centre that is different from the other gaming centres of indoor game activities or casinos, though it is well known in the international market but the confusion that is always observed by the audience in the locality of the Liverpool, is that it is the same kind of gaming centres like the casinos and the indoor game centre, which is basically not of that kind and it differentiate from the other gaming centres by all means. The market that is observed in the North West region of England does not have this kind of gaming centre to the farthest reach of people of Liverpool. 3.4 Gaming Market of North West of UK: Liverpool has 4 casinos. Our database says there are 35 gaming machines in Liverpool, and 45 total table games., as for these are the casino and indoor gaming centres these centres does not meet the exact criteria to Pro-Gamers, so this is one of its kind as mentioned, this game centre will have all the state of the art technology for the gaming purpose and all kind of games that makes its customers to experience the good gaming experience. 3.5 Entering into the International market: There are several reasons to enter into the international market or supply chain relies on the development of a supportive business environment for SMEs and the build-up of the human, technical, and financial capacity of these SMEs so they can understand the policies and operations of global supply chains and profitably respond to those requirements. (Pg 1, Enabling SMEs to enter into the International Supply Chain, June 2005) . These are certain reasons that makes Pro-Gamers to enter into the international market to expand our activity, as we mentioned earlier that we will be providing a membership options to the customers to play in the respective platforms and, later on to the interest of the customers we will be organising teams and sponsoring them to represent U.K, and later as we enter into the international market we will be expanding our activity and then we will be organising team from the operating countries and they will be battling against each other in the WCG and in occasions there will be tournaments between the Pro-Gamers teams from the operating countries in the mean time 3.6 SMEs Advantages and Disadvantages: As it is said the SMEs have the advantage compared to the Multinational Co., because it tend to Includes faster and more streamlined decision making process Less bureaucracy Low fixed cost, and More agility to responding to new customers needs and changes in the business climate. (European IT SMEs in India SMEs in focus: Main results from the 2002 Observatory of European SMEs). Pro-Gamers is a micro business unit has the advantage in comparing to the other gaming or casinos of its nature of being a micro business unit and having low number of employed personnel thus the maintenance is low and, it has the benefit of one time investment in local but as it grows to the international markets it need more investments and more persons to employee and expand the activities into the international markets. There are some disadvantages in the SMEs Internationalization which in general, include limited working capital and resources, more difficulty in attracting and retaining talented workers, and higher transaction costs. SMEs also tend to be young, specialized companies, which means they lack the scale and scope of larger firms. A small number of managers leaves SMEs with a lack of collective experience as well as a limited bench to draw from for new initiatives. Many SMEs are also suppliers to much larger multinationals, which often translates to a lack of bargaining power(European IT SMEs in India, Eric Olsson, Peter Schumacher pg 1). Resource constraints of SMEs can be turned to their advantage by maintaining flexibility and resource leveraging (David, D and Freel, M, entrepreneurship and small firms), as for the resource gathering the is reliable sponsor of all kind of hardware and software installation as for the pert of infrastructure and they also provide guidance for the financial approvals and financial activities. 3.7 Network Model: The network model is based on the social exchange of firms, there is always a network of organisation that come in touch of the new emerging business and thus is a kind of an organisation that introduces and provides all kind of support from the government as well as from the private investors, well entering into the international market there is an Org that will help in establishing LAN game centres iGames.Org, thus continues interaction will eventually increase the speed up in process of the organisational set up. These are details regarding the countries that has won the medals in the international WCG championship these are some of the primary sources and thus, there is another primary data the illustrate the area of operation of the international gaming organisations which is in the below chart. Thus these are some of the primary data that is collected in the initial market research Secondary data: The secondary that is gathered is by a questioners which is provided to the respondent and the result of the active respondent showed that this business is new and some thought that its an old business model but on later discussion with the respondent and making them aware of the business it just came to approve that most of the respondent are very much positive of the business, there we almost all of 60 respondent of which almost all were positive and some were not sure about what is the business but the positive respondent made it to appear a good customer response. There is questioner is attached to the file and its a prototype. Joint venture Strategies: Joint venture and strategic alliances is a process that Pro-Gamers is in the purpose of alliance that we are going to opt for the international market to set up our business and iGamer.Inc and WCG.Org are the international partners for us to establish in the international market and grow our business in all times there are certain countries that is targeted to enter, most of these countries are the economy of emerging and transition like India, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan, Sri lanka these are some of the target market in the internationalization of our business.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sexual Abuse and Young Children Essay -- Child Abuse Essays

As reported in Child Maltreatment 2013, out of the estimated 905,000 victims of child abuse and neglect reported in the United States in 2013, 8.8% were victims of sexual abuse. 1 This means that in that year over 79,600 children were sexually abused in the United States. â€Å"There is general agreement among mental health and child protection professionals that child sexual abuse is not uncommon and is a serious problem in the United States.† 2 Sexual abuse has a very broad definition. According to the American Psychological Association, â€Å"a central characteristic†¦is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity.† 3 The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines sexual abuse as: A. â€Å"the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct; or B. â€Å"the rape, and in cases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children† 4 There are many different types of sexual abuse, some more extreme than others. Sexual abuse falls into two categories: contact and non-contact. 5 Sexual abuse involving contact â€Å"may include fondling a child's genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse† and non-contact sexual abuse could include â€Å"exposure, voyeurism, and child pornography.† 6 All sexual abuse, no matter how severe or mild by definition, is damaging to the young child and can affect his/her neurological and psychological development and health, and affect him/her throughout life. Sexual abuse negatively affects a young child’s neurological development. It causes toxic stress, a type of stress which children are unable to manage by themselves. 7 According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, exposure to toxic stress during early childhood can impair and disrupt development of brain circuits, which â€Å"can cause an individual to develop a low threshold for stress, thereby becoming overly reactive to adverse experiences throughout life.†8 High levels of stress hormones can also affect the child’s immune system and cause â€Å"cog... ... Symptoms  · Attempts to touch the genitals of others  · Sexualized play  · Detailed and age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual activity  · Excessive masturbatory behavior  · Reluctance to undress  · Avoidance of touch  · Increased startle response  · Hypervigilance  · Extreme fluctuations in heart rate (above 100 bpm or below 60 bpm)  · Sleep disturbance (bed wetting, nightmares)  · Drastic change in appetite somatic complaints  · Enuresis/encopresis  · Substance use  · Fatigue/exhaustion Emotional Symptoms  · Regression to younger developmental stage  · Lack of affect  · Withdrawal/depression  · Anxiety/irritability/fear  · Phobias  · Excessive guilt  · Feelings of helplessness  · Low self-esteem  · Obsessive ideas  · Self-hate  · Hyperalertness  · Dissociation Behavioral Symptoms  · Abrupt change in behavior or personality  · Aggression  · Excessive crying  · Over compliance  · School adjustment problems/sudden drop in school performance  · Temper tantrums  · Truancy or runaway behavior  · Self-mutilating/suicidal ideation/gestures/attempts  · Flashbacks/Avoidance  · Nightmares  · Lack of trust/social isolation/lack of friendships  · Hyperarousal Sexual Abuse and Young Children Essay -- Child Abuse Essays As reported in Child Maltreatment 2013, out of the estimated 905,000 victims of child abuse and neglect reported in the United States in 2013, 8.8% were victims of sexual abuse. 1 This means that in that year over 79,600 children were sexually abused in the United States. â€Å"There is general agreement among mental health and child protection professionals that child sexual abuse is not uncommon and is a serious problem in the United States.† 2 Sexual abuse has a very broad definition. According to the American Psychological Association, â€Å"a central characteristic†¦is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity.† 3 The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines sexual abuse as: A. â€Å"the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct; or B. â€Å"the rape, and in cases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children† 4 There are many different types of sexual abuse, some more extreme than others. Sexual abuse falls into two categories: contact and non-contact. 5 Sexual abuse involving contact â€Å"may include fondling a child's genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse† and non-contact sexual abuse could include â€Å"exposure, voyeurism, and child pornography.† 6 All sexual abuse, no matter how severe or mild by definition, is damaging to the young child and can affect his/her neurological and psychological development and health, and affect him/her throughout life. Sexual abuse negatively affects a young child’s neurological development. It causes toxic stress, a type of stress which children are unable to manage by themselves. 7 According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, exposure to toxic stress during early childhood can impair and disrupt development of brain circuits, which â€Å"can cause an individual to develop a low threshold for stress, thereby becoming overly reactive to adverse experiences throughout life.†8 High levels of stress hormones can also affect the child’s immune system and cause â€Å"cog... ... Symptoms  · Attempts to touch the genitals of others  · Sexualized play  · Detailed and age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual activity  · Excessive masturbatory behavior  · Reluctance to undress  · Avoidance of touch  · Increased startle response  · Hypervigilance  · Extreme fluctuations in heart rate (above 100 bpm or below 60 bpm)  · Sleep disturbance (bed wetting, nightmares)  · Drastic change in appetite somatic complaints  · Enuresis/encopresis  · Substance use  · Fatigue/exhaustion Emotional Symptoms  · Regression to younger developmental stage  · Lack of affect  · Withdrawal/depression  · Anxiety/irritability/fear  · Phobias  · Excessive guilt  · Feelings of helplessness  · Low self-esteem  · Obsessive ideas  · Self-hate  · Hyperalertness  · Dissociation Behavioral Symptoms  · Abrupt change in behavior or personality  · Aggression  · Excessive crying  · Over compliance  · School adjustment problems/sudden drop in school performance  · Temper tantrums  · Truancy or runaway behavior  · Self-mutilating/suicidal ideation/gestures/attempts  · Flashbacks/Avoidance  · Nightmares  · Lack of trust/social isolation/lack of friendships  · Hyperarousal

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bilingual Education in Public Schools Essay -- Bilingual Language Educ

Bilingual Education in Public Schools For the past thirty years in the State of California, bilingual education has been undertaken by all the public schools of the state. Under such system, children of non-American ethnic have had a special treatment in their early academic career. Children of minority groups have been thought various subjects in their native tongues. Such subjects are Math, History and some Science classes. The bilingual program presented the student a scholastic curriculum that simultaneously instructed students all the required classes while teaching them the English language. For such method, bilingual teachers were the focal point for the success of individual students of any class level. Prior to Proposition 227, California’s programs for immigrant students included English as a Second Language, in which students were taught the English language for part of the day, and bilingual education, in which students took classes taught in their native tongues until their English improved. The bilingual educational system was legally first introduced by Governor R. Reagan in 1967. Reagan as Governor of California signed a bill eliminating the state’s English-only instructional mandate and allowing bilingual education. Proposition 227, that has reformed the thirty year old bill, has taken affect on June 2, 1998. The proposition introduces a new way of teaching the English language to immigrant children. Such proposition is also called â€Å"English for the Children† or simply the Unz initiative after its author and chief financial backer, Ron K. Unz, a Silicon Valley millionaire and conservative Republican who has no children or background in education and has never set foot in a bilingual education class. â€Å"The Unz initiative calls for one year of courses taught in English, with an emphasis on learning the language; a system that many fear is a return to a past when children were sometimes punished for speaking Spanish, but that others say is a return to sanity† stated Don Terry in his article Bilingual Education Facing Toughest Test. In addition, one of the more controversial points of he plan involves a waiver system whereby parents who prefer â€Å"native-language† inst ruction for their children can request that the children be removed from the English-immersion classes. The request will be granted if they can find parents of twenty of more chil... ...achers thought I spoke Spanish. I found the English language somewhat easy to learn, moreover, I have to thank many of the English-speaking friends that I made back then to teach me the slang and spent time with me outside school. Mathematics and Economics were easy for me, I can say with confidence that I had one of the highest grades in comparison to my English-speaking classmates. The main problems that I had were the communication skills, both writing and speaking English proved to be the greatest challenge for me during that year. My need to communicate with others drove my incentive to master the language, within the first two years; many of my friends were surprised how well my English was. Despite the foreign accent, they had all agreed that my English was very efficient. As an overall, I appreciate the year spent in High School learning the language, I believe that all new immigrant student should attend such classes. They have made a very positive impact in my life. In conclusion, I believe that all races should master the English language as quick as possible, for it is the essence of social integration that can lead to one success or failure of the â€Å"American Dream†.

Why Do Managers Prefer to Pay Dividend in Cash? Essay -- Business, Sto

The study makes use of the financial data on Pakistani listed firms for 2001-2008 to look at the objective behind distribution of cash dividends. Based on the analysis it is found that poorly performing firms listed on Karachi Stock Market (KSE) having larger portion of non-tradable shares pay cash dividends. Because the holders of non-tradable shares (directors and block-holders) do not/cannot realize capital gains from positive change in the price of their holdings. The study finds that cash dividend distribution behavior of the poorly-performing firms is subjected to what the directors and block-holders prefer. The result advocates the findings of Faccio, Lang and Young (2006), Chen, Fung and Leung (2007) regarding cash channeling hypothesis. Key words: non-tradable shares; cash dividends; cash channeling hypothesis 1. Introduction Dividend policy for a firm means whether to pay or not pay; whether to pay in cash, in stocks or both in cash and stocks and how frequently to pay. Why do firms distribute cash dividends when they observe a decline in their earnings? Why not stock repurchases? Why not stock dividend? To look at this research issue, the research will evaluate the cash dividend distribution behavior of firms in light of different ownership structures having trading restrictions. KSE is a developing market of the region with not a sound regulatory framework. There is a shortage of managerial talent in the firms listed on the market. So it is reasonable to say that as compare to firms listed on the developed markets of United States and Europe, the firms listed on KSE do not observe good corporate governance practices generally. Louis Cheng, Fung Leung (2004). Moreover, to protect shareholder... ...ent variables i.e., Director Ownership, Financial institutions ownership, Block-holders’ ownership to examine the relation with the dependent variable which is Cash-Dividend-to-assets. But there are some other variables that also affect the cash dividend distribution behavior of a firm. To control for that effect the study include those variables in the model. The control variables are Debt-to-Assets, Free Cash Flow per Share, Free Cash Flow to Assets, Earning per Share, Size of the firm and Return on Assets. 4. Results and Discussion 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Table 4.1 provides summary statistics of Cash Dividend to Assets, Director Ownership, Financial institutions ownership, Block-holders ownership, Free Cash flow to Assets, Earnings per Share Debt-to-Assets ratio, Return on Assets and firm size (LnAssets) of the sampled firms for the period 2001 to 2008.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Critical Lens Essay

  Fyodor Dostrevsky said, â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie.† This quote means that you aren’t afraid of the action you made but you’re scared of the action that are going to be made toward you as a punishment. This quote agreeable because a lot of the time when a person lies there thinking right then an there, the fear of what’s going to happen to you when the truth comes out is what punishes you the most not the actual consequence it’s self. Fyodor Dostrevskys quote is evident in All-night Part by R.L.Stine and The Crucible by Arthur Miller because in each wok of literature they all have to face the consequences of lying and the fear of their punishment. Through Abigail in The Crucible by Arthur Miller she can relate to the quote because she feared what would happen to her if she told Bettys father Reverend Parris what really happened in the woods. So to save her self from the trouble that would lie ahead for her if she did tell the truth she blamed everything on Tituba. This is evident to the conflict man vs. society because she felt the need to lie to save her self from getting into whatever punishment the town of Salem would set for her which would be something along the lines of being whipped or stoned. This relates to the critical lens because it shows what happens when you fear the consequences of the lie more then the actual lie its self. In All-night party by R.L.Stine the lie that was told from Patrick when he tells his group of friends was that the cut on his hand was really from the broken window. Patrick can relate to the critical lens because he feared the consequences of his lie which would be him going to jail for killing Cindy. This is similar to the conflict person vs. person because there was a problem between Patrick and Cindy that ended with Patrick killing her. In the end he confesses to his wrongdoing and was put into jail. Fyodor Dostrevsky said, â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie† I found this quote agreeable because in The Crucible you see what someone would do just to not face there punishment due to lying which would be person vs. society. All-night party shows an example what happens when you lie and then tell the truth, which would be p erson vs. person. Each work of literature has its own sense of conflict. The Crucibles conflict was Abigail lying about what Betty, Tituba and herself did in the woods. That she blamed on Tituba. In All-night party they deal with the death of their best friend.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Stolen Generation

The stolen generation †¦. The degradation and the sheer brutality of the act of physically separating a mother from her children is a deep assault on our senses and on our most elemental humanity†¦. The stolen generation is the name given to the generation of aboriginal and Torres strait islander children that were removed from their families and placed into institutions where they were forced to forget their aboriginality. These children were then given a poor education and were sent into the homes of white Australians to be servants or labourers. The government and churches around Australia had an ignorant and uneducated view about the native aboriginals and how they chose to live. They thought that aboriginal families lived poor and unrewarding lives; they believed they were doing the right thing and were helping the children by removing them from their homes and families. They believed that aboriginal people were bad parents and that the women did not look after their children. No records were kept of the children that were taken and siblings were deliberately separated, today many people do not know where or if they have brothers or sisters out there. This had destroyed families and torn them apart. They were forced to go through the unimaginable and were treated as slaves. You and me, we were not direct causes of this. This was our ancestors. A generation before we were born. We had not yet even existed when this was happening all over Australian yet it took all these years for an apology to be given to the people of the stolen generation On the 13th of February 2008 the prime minister Kevin Rudd apologised on behalf of all of Australia for the way that the people of the stolen generation were treated. This is what he said: â€Å"We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country. â€Å"For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry. â€Å"To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry. â€Å"And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry. â€Å" The Stolen Generation Explain the Stolen Generation (when did it occur/who was responsible and why government officials believed they were justified in taking these actions). The Stolen Generation was a very lonely and depressing time for the indigenous people of Australia. It lasted an overwhelming 60 years in which an estimated 100 000 aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were forcibly removed from their families and land to be raised in homes or adopted by white families. This Policy was designed to ‘breed out’ Indigenous people until there was none left. These children became known as the ‘Stolen Generations’.The forced removal of these Indigenous children became an official government policy from 1909 to 1969. However these acts of removing Indigenous children from their homes occurred before and after these dates. The Aborigines Protection Board (APB) managed this removal policy; Governments, Churches and welfare bodies all took part in this operation. The Governm ent gave the APB the power to forcibly remove Indigenous children without parental consent and without a court order in 1909. Children were to be fixated to an institution or mission dormitory, fostered or adopted.The Government under the White Australia and Assimilation Policies tried to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were not of pure blood to become incorporated into the broader community of white Australian’s so that eventually there would be no Indigenous people left. At the current time the white Australians thought they were superior to the Indigenous people and that they were doing them a favour by giving them an education and clothing them, even though they only educated them to a certain extent so that they could work as labourers or servants.Children were extracted from their Indigenous culture so they could be brought up white and ‘taught’ to reject their Aboriginality. These children were distributed to institutions and fro m roughly the 1950’s were also allocated to white families. The APB only educated the Aboriginal children so that they could become labourers or servants, so their education was very poor. They did not educate them to a satisfactory ‘white’ standard because the white people could stay in power and hold the higher positions in society.The Aboriginal girls that were forcibly removed from their families were sent to homes and facilities authorized by the Board to be trained in domestic service. The white people did not understand or respect the Aboriginal people or their way of life, this also meant that the people who supported the policy thought they were doing the ‘right thing’. Some of these people also believed the aboriginal people lived impecunious and unrewarding lives and that the institutions they were placed in would be a more appropriate environment in which the Aboriginal people could better themselves.The white people thought the Aborigina ls were stupid and had no tools or houses and could not provide for themselves. When in-fact they were just so blind to the fact that the Aboriginal culture was based off living as one with the earth and the white people couldn’t perceive and accept their way of life. The dominant, bigoted racist views that were part of the white society and government at the time also meant that people believed that Aboriginal people were bad parents and that the Aboriginal women did not feed or look after their children accordingly.They didn’t realize that the Indigenous people lived of the land and used the nuts and plants for medicine, they only took what they needed from the land. They were not greedy, unlike white people who harvested massive crops and wore fancy clothing. So the white people took it upon themselves to try and exterminate the aborigines by breeding them with white people until there was none left. No one really knows how many Indigenous people were taken from the ir homes and lands, because most records of this tragic time have been lost or destroyed.Countless parents never saw their children who were stolen from them, siblings were prepensely separated from each other and most never saw each other again. To this day many Aboriginal people do not know who their relatives are or have been unable to track them down due to this appalling and shameful policy Australia enforced in an attempt to assimilate the Aboriginal population during 1909-1996, meaning that even today there are Aboriginal people as young as their late 40’s and 50’s who are members of the Stolen Generation. ) Discuss the varying experiences members of the stolen generation had; including where they were taken and the conditions in which they lived. Experiences throughout the stolen generation vary quite allot, especially gender wise, generally the men found it difficult and tried to escape from where they were sent. On the other hand the women generally had lots of fond memories although it was very difficult at the time because they were separated from their parents at a very young age.Depending on wether you were female or male, you would be taken to different locations, the women were often taken to farms as servants and waiters, the men were normally taken to institutions where they would be trained to become labourers. Both genders were at first taken to missions that were usually religious based. At these missions they would be taught how to speak and dress like a white person. Once they were of a satisfactory standard, they would be placed in different locations, women as maids, servants and cooks and the men as stockmen, labourers or other tedious jobs.Even though they had jobs, the Aboriginal workers would not get paid. If they were lucky they would be left in their country ( their land/are they called home), this was very important to them because their country was part of their life. In the Aboriginal community they believe that being on country is a nurturing experience for them, in other words if they look after their country, the country will look after them. Its their duty to look after the land, and when they are separated from it, they cannot do this, which brings them great suffering and pain.From the point in which they were taken and separated from their family, friends and country, they were not permitted to speak their own language and could only speak English, if they did speak their own language they were severely punished. They had to dress and behave like white people. They were displaced, their whole culture was stripped from them, they were put into a situation on a cultural level to survive, and were totally at the mercy of the white people.My Grandfather is an Anthropologist (Gary Watson) and has spent the last 8 years in Western Australia working with the Wadjarri Yamatji tribe. In the Wadjarri language Yamatji roughly translates to Aboriginal. One of his friends from the tribe is a memb er of the stolen generation and gave my grandfather some examples of the cultural displacement he went through; when he was first taken from his land and family he had a girlfriend, and he would constantly escape from the institution to go and see her.They would always come and take him back, he could not understand why they would want to keep him from her. He was severely punished every time he escaped but he continued to escape to go and see her. Another experience he told my grandfather was when they told him to sleep inside the house, for him this was absurd. why would he sleep inside, he had never slept inside his whole life. To this day he hates sleeping inside, even in a little tin shed when they’re out in the bush.Allot of the Aboriginals couldn’t and still cant understand why the white people would want to take them away and confine them and tell them not to be themselves. All these experiences have left a lasting impression, to this day these experiences affe ct the members of the stolen generation. Lots of the men get very angry when u bring the topic up, more so because they were done wrongly just because they were black. Bibliography Reference Material My Grandfather is an Anthropologist (Gary Watson)Spent last 8 years in Western Australia working with the Wadjarri Yamatji tribe.Horton, David, The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, Aboriginal Studies Press, Volume 1, 1994 The World Book Encyclopaedia, World Book, North Michigan, Volume 1, 2005 The Australian Encyclopaedia, Australian Geographic Society, Sydney, Volume 1, 1988 History Books Barwick, John and Jennifer, Aboriginal Australia, Heinemann, Melbourne, 2009 Bird, Carmel (ed), The Stolen Generation, Random House, Sydney, 1998 Internet Source http://reconciliaction. org. au The Stolen Generation The stolen generation †¦. The degradation and the sheer brutality of the act of physically separating a mother from her children is a deep assault on our senses and on our most elemental humanity†¦. The stolen generation is the name given to the generation of aboriginal and Torres strait islander children that were removed from their families and placed into institutions where they were forced to forget their aboriginality. These children were then given a poor education and were sent into the homes of white Australians to be servants or labourers. The government and churches around Australia had an ignorant and uneducated view about the native aboriginals and how they chose to live. They thought that aboriginal families lived poor and unrewarding lives; they believed they were doing the right thing and were helping the children by removing them from their homes and families. They believed that aboriginal people were bad parents and that the women did not look after their children. No records were kept of the children that were taken and siblings were deliberately separated, today many people do not know where or if they have brothers or sisters out there. This had destroyed families and torn them apart. They were forced to go through the unimaginable and were treated as slaves. You and me, we were not direct causes of this. This was our ancestors. A generation before we were born. We had not yet even existed when this was happening all over Australian yet it took all these years for an apology to be given to the people of the stolen generation On the 13th of February 2008 the prime minister Kevin Rudd apologised on behalf of all of Australia for the way that the people of the stolen generation were treated. This is what he said: â€Å"We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country. â€Å"For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry. â€Å"To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry. â€Å"And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry. â€Å"